Connecting Inner and Outer Transformation: Creating a Quantum “Holomovement” with the Spheres of Co-Creation
Many have recognized that we have to combine inner and outer transformation if we are to effect the radical changes needed in our world. As Gandhi famously said, we need to be the change we want to see – we need to bring about a revolution in both the deepest level of our consciousness and our outer global systems, and every dimension of our being in between. Given the scale of our crises, nothing less is called for today than an evolutionary leap, a whole-scale, whole-systems, holistic transformation, from the deepest source of our consciousness and of creation itself, aligning ourselves with the unity at our core and the unified field of the Cosmos.
As both an ontological model of the dimensions of our being, and an online platform for collaboration within and between those dimensions, the Spheres of Co-Creation is designed to facilitate this process.
The Spheres of Co-Creation is both a model of the nested relationships between the inner and outer levels of our being; and an online, interactive platform for the collaboration and co-creation of those working at all levels. Designed as nested spheres, enfolded within and unfolding out of each other like concentric ripples, a spiral or a torus, it illustrates the different levels of our being, inner and outer, individual and collective, and the dynamic interconnections between them.
The spheres represent a concentric spectrum spiraling out of the universal consciousness at our core, spanning from the innermost subtle levels of consciousness and energy to the outermost complex global and cosmic systems: Consciousness, Energy, Psyche (individual and collective thought-forms), Ecology, Economy, Socio-Political and Planetary/Cosmic. Each of these spheres is affected by, and affects all the others, in ripple effects that radiate outwards, upwards and back again, returning to their centre. This movement is like a hologram of ever-evolving fractals, in a continuous feed-back loop, an ever-evolving spiral from the core of being into manifestation and back again, to the implicate order and the source of all potential.
As an ontological model, this spiral (or torus) illustrates the relationships between the levels of our being: the way the outer levels – our ecological, economic, socio-political and planetary systems -- emanate out of the subtle, hidden inner dimensions of consciousness, energy, psyche and cultural thought-forms that underlie them. The outer forms of our society express the inner patterns that in-form us, which means we can most powerfully transform them from the inside outwards. The outer changes, in turn, feedback and inform the inner, and thus both our systems and the consciousness behind them are synergistically, and simultaneously, all the way up and all the way down the line, transformed.
As a practical interactive platform for collaboration, the Spheres of Co-Creation is also designed to act as a spring-board for a “movement of movements”, bringing progressive organizations and initiatives working at all these levels into relationship, communication and co-creation for the radical, integral transformation of our consciousness and our systems.
The Spheres of Co-Creation Model
We are all connected in the Source of Creation and the unified quantum field; when we leverage the power of that unity, bridging divides across sectors, races, genders, cultures, generations – we galvanize the potential for an extraordinary movement of movements that can truly transform our world, from one based on separation, competition and violence, to each other and nature, to one of regeneration, cooperation, true unity-in-diversity, at every level, rippling through all dimensions from Consciousness to Cosmos.
Once we connect the dots between the inner causes of the crises -- our divisive consciousness – with the outer symptoms-- climate crisis, pandemic, racial crisis and gender divides, political, economic and ecological collapses – we can also connect the dots that lead to the solutions, that galvanize the unity at our core for our healing and renewal. Within this greater context, we can come together, from all walks of life, and connect to uproot the causes, and bring in the true unity that is our common source and birthright, at every level of our being, our lives and our global society, personal and collective, across all divides and sectors.
With the Spheres of Co-Creation, we can create a broad-based movement, drawing on our deepest and widest powers, the deepest power of the unity at the core of our being, and expressing it at all levels. This overarching movement of movements would be both deep and wide, profound and inclusive, drawing on the power of the unity at our hidden core, and reflecting it in our world in every dimension, from consciousness and subtle-energy fields to individual and cultural psyche, to social, ecological, economic, political and planetary systems.
The Spheres of Co-Creation as the Basis for a Quantum “Holomovement” for Radical, Whole-Systems Transformation
It was David Bohm, the great physicist and cosmologist, who first coined the word “holomovement”. As David Peat, a colleague of his, wrote “The holomovement is a key concept in David Bohm’s interpretation of quantum mechanics and for his overall worldview. It brings together the holistic principle of “undivided wholeness” with the idea that everything is in a state of process or becoming… For Bohm wholeness it not a static oneness, but a dynamic wholeness-in-motion in which everything moves together in an interconnected process.”
As Peat says, “The theory of the Implicate Order contains an ultra-holistic cosmic view: it connects everything with everything else. The central underlying theme of Bohm’s theory is the ‘unbroken wholeness of the totality of existence as an undivided flowing movement without borders’…Bohm believes that the Implicate Order has to be extended into multidimensional reality: in other words, the holomovement, [as] the ‘fundamental ground of all matter’, endlessly enfolds and unfolds into infinite dimensionality.”
I quote at length here, because Bohm’s vision is so suggestive in our context of a movement of movements for holistic transformation. Peat continues: “Extending this to the personal and collective social levels, for Bohm, “the individual is in total contact with the implicate Order, the individual is part of the whole of mankind, and he is the ‘focus for something beyond mankind’... Bohm believes that the individual who uses inner energy and intelligence can transform mankind…and goes on to suggest that an intense heightening of individuals who have shaken off the ‘pollution of the ages’ (wrong worldviews that propagate ignorance), who come into close and trusting relationship with one another, can begin to generate the immense power needed to ignite the whole consciousness of the world.”
“In the depths of the Implicate Order, there is a ‘consciousness, deep down – of the whole of mankind’. It is this collective consciousness that is truly one and indivisible, and it is the responsibility of each human person to contribute towards the building of this consciousness of mankind...‘There’s nothing else to do, there is no way out. This is absolutely what has to be done and nothing else can work.’”[i] (It is no small testament to the astuteness of Bohm’s vision that Einstein called him his spiritual son, and the Dalai Lama called him his scientific guru – hard to imagine better credentials, crossing the borders themselves of both scientific and spiritual genius and authority!)
I believe the time is ripe now for a wide-scale, whole-systems, holistic social movement that embodies the principles of the holomovement – that is, in fact, the holomovement itself. Only this can transform our consciousness, our lives and our systems at the magnitude and speed needed for us to survive on this planet and enter our next phase of evolution. We have to draw from the unity at our core, the unified field that informs and unites us all, if we are to create a new world of love, regeneration, renewal and communion.
Action Plan for the Spheres of Co-Creation Holomovement
The Spheres of Co-Creation project is located within a larger context and plan of action for wide-scale transformation in these times of great crisis, a strategy for large-scale, whole-systems transformation at the speed and scale that we need it. The first step is to come to an agreement on an overall vision of where we would like to go with our future, starting with a consensus on what is essential, what we really need, to survive and thrive through the crises, and beyond.
During the pandemic, we became acutely aware of what is actually essential, what we really need to survive and thrive, and at the same time, what is inessential, unnecessary or harmful; what alleviates our crises, and what has actually caused them. The need to distinguish between the two – what is helpful and what is harmful -- and to support the former and eliminate the latter, came clearly into the light. Now we can make use of that as the basis for re-booting ourselves, our ways of life and our systems, with new priorities that honor what is really essential, for the well-being and highest potentials for all life on this planet.[ii]
One idea is to start with a world-wide referendum, on what we really need and want, as the people of this planet (rather than just the global elites) – much of which we can easily agree on, like good food, clean air to breathe, water to drink, safe shelter, simple natural, preventative health care, and systems that themselves support health, cooperation, care and well-being, with no one left behind. Based on this consensus, we can begin to institute this on both local and global scales.
Locally, this would be through our own actions, mutual aid groups, cooperatives, local food resilience, etc., which have already started springing up everywhere, spurred on by the pandemic and specter of larger systemic collapses. The pandemic has given a spurt to the movements for local self-reliance and regeneration – local gardens, local barter and new currencies, community land trusts, citizens councils and support centres, ecovillages and Transition towns – that were already emerging as responses to the challenges of the climate crisis and the larger ecological, economic and social collapses coming down the pipeline.
Globally, this consensus for the essential well-being of people and planet would translate into direct demands to governments, backed by citizens assemblies and an emerging infrastructure for a true global, participatory democracy, including collective processes for decision-making and implementation. These demands would start with the insistence on an immediate re-boot of industries and service sectors, at the speed and scale of war-time mobilization, to provide the essentials we all need to sustain life, and eliminate the unnecessary and harmful products, activities and institutions that continue to fuel our unsustainable society, and are driving it to extinction. This would be a mobilization at the speed and scale seen before only in war-time; this time, however, not for death but life, the well-being and renewal of life on our dying planet.
Waged in the name of life not death, this new intersection of governments and the public in a global mobilization for our collective well-being would also be unprecedented, revolutionary, in that it would be not only material but a renewal of consciousness, how we think about our lives, and the meaning of life as a whole, as well as how we organize it. This would mean a massive re-booting of education and media-memes towards holism, sustainability and unity-in-diversity, based on a quantum whole-worldview of our interconnectedness with each other, nature and the whole unified field, and how to translate that into regenerative, cooperative systems that serve all life on the planet.[iii]
This would be a new world that honors life, not wages death, in sacred reverence and co-creation with the whole web of life in which we are embedded.
Knowing What We Want, and Leveraging the Power to Bring it into Being
Many say now that we need to be the change that we want, but we have to know what we want first! That means if we are to collaborate for the future we want, we need a strong vision behind us. And that vision itself, if aligned with the unity at our Source, and the highest powers of evolution it propels, will have enormous, unstoppable, invincible power behind it -- the power that can both meet our needs and maximize our gifts and potentials, personal and collective, local and global.
Our vision for our future can bring together our highest priorities, provide what all of us need to survive, and at the same time the scope we need for our highest potentials to thrive, our unique gifts and interests. This vision may not be as hard to come to agreement upon as it may seem –we already know our basic needs, what is essential for our survival, and also have the context for our highest potentials to flourish, a cosmological and evolutionary vision of cosmic proportions, of awe-inspiring Oneness, with each other, nature and all of creation, a power behind us that can surmount our crises if we join it in co-creation.
We already have the ingredients for a vision for our future, they just need to be stirred together, and baked. We already have the makings of our new story, we just have to put it together, and come together in action, to realize it in our world.
The Functional Model: How the Spheres of Co-Creation Online Platform Works
The way the Spheres model works is simple. Initiatives working at all levels for transformation will be sent a manifesto[iv] of the vision and goals of the movement, invited to join, and also submit their details to be mapped in the relevant sphere(s) and subcategories in which they are working. They can then find others with whom to collaborate in those spheres, or join up with others across spheres for cross-collaboration -- a cross-fertilization and synergy between dimensions and sectors that generates a whole movement of movements, greater than the sum of its parts.
In this way, we would catalyze the dynamic power of co-creation, leveraging the power of unity across boundaries for exponential momentum, of whole-systems, holistic transformation, at the speed and scale our crises today demand.
If you look at the illustration of the model, you can see how this will work. The online functional database/platform looks exactly the same as the model, seven concentric spheres. When you click on each sphere, it links to a page that shows all the sub-categories for that sphere, and the different organizations working in them, with direct links to their websites.
Joanna Macy speaks about the three different aspects of transformation, all vital to a successful movement – 1) resistance (deconstruction of the old) 2) regeneration (of the new) and 3) the transformation of consciousness, that both underlies the first two and brings them forward, in-formed by a deep evolutionary movement from the core of our unity.[v] Initiatives working on all these aspects are represented in the sub-categories of the Spheres of Co-Creation, at all levels, personal and collective, local and global. When we embrace this wider vision, and see how all the levels and spheres of action are connected, we generate enormous leverage to both uproot the deepest causes of the crises and bring in a new consciousness, systems and structures, in every dimension of our being.
How these different initiatives and levels of work will weave together and converge will itself emerge in the course of the movement’s evolution. There is no pre-determined grand plan we can impose with our minds (life always has its own plans anyway!), but align our minds and hearts with the deeper forces of evolution flowing through us, and ride their emergent waves. New structures and systems, in line with nature and our own deepest true nature, will naturally emerge, breaking through the veils of separation, into a higher order of unity, with each other and all life.
But we have to jump in, and the Spheres of Co-Creation is a good place to begin – a model that can help take us where we are going, gathering and weaving together the gifts and genius of the many, at all different levels and sectors, as we go.
Joining the Quantum Holomovement to a New Way of Life on Earth
The “holomovement”, in this new context, becomes a deep-rooted holistic movement for whole-systems, whole-scale social transformation, based on the unity at our core and the unified field of existence, expressed at all the levels and dimensions of our being. It is a movement of movements, a meta-movement arising from the forces of evolution itself, that we need today to overcome our crises of fragmentation -- the implicate order made explicate, the unity at the source of Creation reflected in the myriad forms of our world.
When we tap into the quantum field, and the unified source of creation, it is like riding the waves of a geyser – local actions scale up and, at the speed of light, become global; at its height, local itself becomes non-local, everywhere at once – we break the barriers of separation and go viral, affecting the whole field at once, all factions, fragmentation, fractals cohering to the impulse from a universal centre. When we align our power, collectively, to the very Source that created us and all life, gathering a critical mass of momentum, we break the barriers of the speed of light – and the divided mind of mankind – and realize our true nature as an undivided unity, the power of infinite love at the heart of the Cosmos.[vi]
This is the movement that we need to harness today, or rather ride its waves, because they are already emerging -- all we need is to recognize and align with them, join our own will and inspiration to the Source of creation that is already within us, the unified field of life on Earth and the Cosmos and its infinite potential, in which we are all already infinitely connected.
This is the movement welling up from within, our own hearts and the whole unified field that connects them, rising up for the sake of all life, now and for all time to come.
Radiating out of the unity at our core from pure unconditioned Consciousness to Cosmos, the simple model of the Spheres of Co-Creation tells us, in one concise visual symbol, our ontological and cosmological story, the spectrum of dimensions of our evolutionary unfolding, from the unity at our core and back again. It can also tell the new story of our return to unity, and its expression in our world: of the “holomovement” towards a new way of life on Earth, the radical whole-systems transformation to a way of being in harmony and alignment with the higher powers of evolution, of co-creation with each other, the unified field of all creation and our own deepest true nature.
-- Kavita Byrd
July 14, 2020
If interested please contact me at or see the Shakti Centre Global website at
[i] David Peat, “David Bohm, Implicate Order and Holomovement”,
[ii] For the succinct broad-strokes for the movement, see Kavita Byrd, “Six Axioms for the Regeneration of Consciousness, Ecology and Society”:
[iii] For a more detailed vision of background and possible strategies for the movement, see Kavita Byrd, “Global Citizens Movement for the Transition to a Sustainable, Just and Cooperative Society”:
[iv] See Kavita Byrd,” Manifesto for the Transition to Sustainable, Just and Cooperative Society”:
[v] Joanna Macy,
[vi] For deeper evolutionary and esoteric aspects, see Kavita Byrd, “Spheres of Co-Creation: Deeper Evolutionary and Esoteric Implications”: